What Are Nominee Services?
Nominee Services are used when a business entity needs to have a document signed on its behalf, such as a property deed or sales contract, but the owners of the company do not want to disclose their identities. In this instance, a business entity can nominate someone who’s unaffiliated with the company to sign on behalf of the company for this sole purpose.
I value my clients’ privacy and anonymity. Therefore, I offer to sign on behalf of your company in certain limited circumstances.
If your company needs to execute a document that would otherwise expose the ownership or management of the company, please contact B. Joffrion Consulting to see if Nominee Services would be a right fit for you at nominee@bjoffrionconsult.com.
Ordering Options:
Nominee Services - One Set of Notarized Documents Requiring a "Wet" Notarized Signature $300
Nominee Services - One Set of Notarized Documents with a Virtual Notarized Signature $200
Nominee Services - One Set of Documents - No Notary Required $100
You can pay for the services by selecting one of the above.
What’s Next?
If you have any questions about Nominee Services, feel free to email nominee@bjoffrionconsult.com. You can upload the documents you'd like signed on behalf of the LLC for the initial document review to determine if the firm can provide Nominee Services here: Upload
If B. Joffrion Consulting can sign the documents on your behalf, you will receive an engagement letter requesting your electronic signature.
Please do not pay for these services before B. Joffrion Consulting confirms that Nominee Services can be provided.